Thank you for submiting your video to our website.

Music MapKey is the #1 place for artists who's looking for a record deal or more exposure.

This is the #1 place that record labels, both independent and major visit when scouting for new talent to add to their roster.

By submitting your video, you are representing to Music MapKey that you have all necessary rights in the video to authorize our use and reuse of the audio and visual material it contains, that your submission of the video is governed by our On Line Video Submission Agreement, and that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of that Agreement.

To ensure proper submission, please include in your submission the title, description, and your YouTube video link. All video submission views are tracked on YouTube for proper credit if accepted.

Upload all of your music, mixtape covers, and links directly to your social media accounts to get discovered and become that "over night" star that you dreamed of becoming.

C.E.O: Johnny Jaebe Bolton

